The call to restrict foreign travel in order to limit the impacts of COVID-19 is prompting many Quebecers to stay in our beautiful province once again during their summer vacation time.
The call to restrict foreign travel in order to limit the impacts of COVID-19 is prompting many Quebecers to stay in our beautiful province once again during their summer vacation time.
Summer is undoubtedly the biggest moving season and, as July 1 approaches, a lot of excitement is felt in Québec households, as it is estimated that 10-12% of moves in the province take place on that date.
The future of the planet is on everyone's lips at the moment and it is obvious that climate change is affecting our daily lives. For many people, the pollution caused by our consumer society makes them feel anxious and powerless. They are said to be suffering from “eco-anxiety”.
Global warming, the depletion of certain natural resources and the extinction of certain species are direct consequences of the unrestrained consumption we have been indulging in for the past many years. To remedy the situation or—at least—to try and improve the fate of the planet, some of our lifestyle habits can be changed, in the interest of responsible consumption.
That's it! Spring is here and you're planning to clean your house! A colossal task, you’ll tell us! Even if this chore may seem insurmountable, it's possible to plan it well in order to make your life easier. So here are the tips from the Entraide diabétique du Québec team for very successful spring cleaning!
Buying something new or taking advantage of a service is definitely a source of pleasure, but this pleasure is generally quite short-lived and the desire to do it again is quickly felt. But did you know that you can gain pleasure by giving rather than buying?
What if we rethink our wardrobe to make our purchases more profitable? Entraide diabétique du Québec has put together a little guide to help you carefully choose your clothes and, in this way, stop throwing your money out the window.
When December arrives, the excitement of the festive season sets in, as do the decorations, the trees and the Christmas music. In Quebec, garlands of lights make houses—and even entire neighbourhoods—really shine. Christmas as we know it today draws on French, British and American traditions.
Entraide Diabétique du Québec is no exception to the rule, but we are doing our utmost to pursue our wonderful mission in spite of everything. Here is a reminder of the best practices to enable you to make your donations the right way, because without you, we couldn't continue to support the activities of Diabète Québec.
Faced with the present situation, however, we have to change our habits. But it isn't necessary to abandon our traditions, as much for children as for adults. So we have a few suggestions for you. Let's reinvent Halloween, until we can get together again!