Consider donating!
Every year, during the Holiday Season, my friends and I hold a gift exchange. We call it: “Je me débarrasse et je t’embarrasse” (I declutter while you reclutter).
The idea is to give an item in good condition that you no longer use. This event generates tons of fun and loads of laughs! What was cluttering up one person’s home is put to good use by someone else. Or, as they say: “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure”.
Why not enjoy that kind of fun year-round and support a good cause while you’re at it?!
Who among us doesn’t have clothes we no longer wear? Whose closest, shelves, kitchen, garden shed or basement aren’t cluttered with items that are no longer used? We all know what I’m talking about.
These treasures are still too good to be thrown out and we certainly wouldn’t want them to end up in a landfill site. So why not give them a second lease on life, while protecting our environment?
You too could support our cause by donating what you no longer want. And, like the friends with whom I exchange gifts, you’ll feel that your donation is valued.
Decluttering? Consider donating (to us)!!
With our heartfelt thanks!
Chantal Desrosiers
Executive Director