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    How to Organize a Zero-Waste Vacation in Quebec?

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    IN News /

    Just because we’re on vacation doesn’t mean that environmentally responsible habits have to take a break! If you plan on hitting the roads in Quebec this summer, keep the environment in mind to help protect the planet, even outside your home. Here are a few tips to help you organize a green vacation in our beautiful province.

    The importance of lists 

    As with any project, preparation is the key to success. And to achieve this, lists are second to none! By writing down everything you’ll need for your trip, you’ll avoid having to buy single-use items on the road.

    Think about all aspects of your trip to clearly define your needs: the means of transportation you will be using; the type of accommodations, meals and snacks; the length of your vacation; pastimes for the car or cottage, and so on. By making your accommodation reservations and food plans in advance, you will prevent unpleasant surprises and reduce the number of kilometres travelled.

    Waste management 
    To limit the amount of waste you produce on vacation and the costly purchases you make on the road, adopt the same eco-friendly habits as you do at home:

    • Bring a water bottle for each family member and fill the bottles with tap water. If you’re in the country, make sure the water is safe to drink.
    • Use your cloth grocery bags when you shop and choose food that comes in bulk (rather than in small packages).
    • Bring reusable utensils, cloth napkins and dish cloths if you plan to picnic.
    • If possible, plan meals and snacks for each day before you leave. This will save you from having to buy drinks and other items on the run, which often come with a single-use container.
    • Politely refuse disposable, single-use or non-use items (straws, sugar, cream, condiment packets, utensils, napkins, etc.).
    • Bring a few plastic dishes, Mason jars, or shrink-wrapped silicone or stainless steel containers to carry your food or store your leftovers.
    • Transfer your personal care products (soap, shampoo, etc.) into small reusable containers rather than buying small sizes.
    • Once on site, encourage local producers.
    • If facilities permit, recycle and compost and, most importantly, throw your waste in the garbage to keep the area clean.

    Take it easy

    Of course, no one is perfect and forgetfulness is inevitable, especially if you have to pack your children’s luggage and are going away for a long time. It is not about striving for perfection at all cost and stressing yourself out during the trip, but rather about being aware of your impact on the planet and doing your best to protect it, one step at a time. Every little bit counts!

    Boîte de don Entraide Diabétique


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