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    Posts in News


    Diabetes: Everyone’s Concern

    posted on 26 August 2020 / 0 Comments

    Diabetes, a disease that is on the rise and still unknown to the vast majority of the population, is not to be taken lightly. Very present in Quebec, only about 880,000 people in the province live with the disease to varying degrees, or 10% of Quebecers of all ages.

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    How to Organize a Zero-Waste Vacation in Quebec?

    posted on 17 July 2020 / 0 Comments

    Just because we're on vacation doesn't mean that environmentally responsible habits have to take a break! If you plan on hitting the roads in Quebec this summer, keep the environment in mind to help protect the planet, even outside your home. Here are a few tips to help you organize a green vacation in our beautiful province. 

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    Now is the Time to Tidy Up!

    posted on 23 June 2020 / 0 Comments

    You can still maintain your passion for fashion, your shoe collection or the 1,001 little pots in the kitchen; you just need to organize them as best as possible to avoid having your rooms look messy and cluttered. A tidy house gives the impression of a refined home. Here are a few tips to help you.

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    Discover Companies that Give Old Objects a New Lease on Life

    posted on 30 April 2020 / 0 Comments

    In this time of global pandemic, we are all being asked to respect social distancing, so it’s of the utmost importance to find some projects to keep our hands and mind busy at home. A decorating project is the perfect example to occupy all the free time that we have. However, it’s also important to think about buying locally, in order to encourage the local economy. Many shops and businesses in the Laurentians value old furniture and old objects. This is a great way to add an original touch to your decor! Buy local and pre-owned items in the Laurentians... why …

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    Are You Familiar With Upcycling?

    posted on 9 March 2020 / 0 Comments

    We are familiar with recycling, composting, zero-waste lifestyle as well as smart and minimalist consumption, but what about "upcycling"? Only recently popularized, this new trend is very much in line with a zero-waste lifestyle and a circular economy. Discover an emerging practice that will add something unique to your daily life. What is upcycling? Upcycling, contrary to recycling, is a principle of "upwards" recovery. Recycling uses a chemical process to recover materials from objects that we no longer use or that have reached the end of their useful life. Upcycling (also called " creative reuse"), is recovering materials or products that are …

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    Have You Heard Of The Zero-Waste Lifestyle ?

    posted on 5 March 2020 / 0 Comments

    Nowadays, the words "environment" and "waste reduction" are part of our daily vocabulary. This has given rise to new lifestyles and among these is the zero-waste lifestyle. Not sure what that means exactly? Find out the basics of this lifestyle as well as some tips on how you can gradually move towards this new philosophy. Where does the zero-waste lifestyle come from? Bea Johnson could be credited with the origin of the zero-waste lifestyle. It was following the economic crisis that this Frenchwoman, who lives in California, decided to reconsider her lifestyle and her way of consuming. First through her blog, then …

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    Seven Simple Steps to Save the Planet

    posted on 1 January 2020 / 0 Comments

    We often think that it takes big steps to be able to save the planet. However, on an everyday basis, it's possible to change your habits to include ones that reduce your ecological footprint. Entraide diabetique du Québec offers you 7 simple steps to take now… Change your transportation habits If you live in the city and public transit is accessible, leave your car at home and take the bus, train or metro. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, this will help you be more active when you travel. Weather permitting, opt for walking or cycling—another great opportunity to get …

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    Tips and Tricks for an Ecological Christmas

    posted on 1 December 2019 / 0 Comments

    Tired of the all-too-often excesses and overconsumption during the holiday season? If you want to reduce your ecological footprint during this festive period, Entraide diabétique du Québec has prepared a short list of tips to put into practice for a simple Christmas. Natural or artificial fir tree? In recent years, many people have been wondering which of the two options is the least damaging to the environment: a natural or an artificial fir tree. To get the answer to this question, we need to analyse the life cycle of the tree, starting with the extraction of resources, then the use of the …

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    Declutter Your Home With Marie Kondo’s Advice

    posted on 1 November 2019 / 0 Comments

    Your cupboards are too full and everything is jumbled together in your drawers? That's a sign that the contents need to be sorted out and organized! However, it can sometimes be difficult to choose which room in the house to start with and, most importantly, how to do it! Discover the main principles of the KonMari method proposed by Japanese organizing consultant Marie Kondo, which will help you unclutter your home more easily. Set a date and a goal As it is easy to postpone such housework (we always have something more interesting to do!), decide on a few time slots that …

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    Five Products to Remove Stains from Your Clothing

    posted on 1 October 2019 / 0 Comments

    Who hasn’t previously tried (but failed) to remove a stubborn stain from a garment by rubbing it? Many of you will probably raise your hand! If you want to extend the life of your clothes or merely dispose of them and donate them to Entraide diabétique du Québec, here are 5 tips to help you deal with the stains: Salt Often found on light-coloured or white clothing, perspiration stains are very annoying and somewhat unsightly. So, to extend the life of your favourite sweater or shirt that was once immaculately white, rub the stain with a solution of hot water and salt …

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